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Sneaky Sleep

So I was waiting on a man and woman in their late 30's / early 40's last night. He came in first, orders two glasses of Pinot Noir for himself and her, and she arrives a bit after. They have 2 or 3 glasses of wine over about an hour and a half, check out, then want another so I open a new check, they close out, then want another so I do the same thing. She pays for their last drink that was still on its way, and I can tell she's a little tipsy but she generally seemed just fine communicating (got her CC out, filled out her email for a receipt, etc). Was going to make sure they both were not driving home but other than that I had no worries. Overall they order about 4 or 5 glasses over around 3 hours.

As I'm around their table doing closing side work the man calls me over and I see the woman slumped over totally unconscious. I obviously check her pulse quick, make sure she's breathing, then try to see about waking her up. Shake her shoulder gently, pinch her hand, etc and no response. The whole time the man is trying to put a glass of water to her lips despite the fact that she's totally out. I recommend to him strongly that we call someone and he adamantly tells me not to, saying to grab an ice pack and that he would wake her up himself. I again strongly recommend that we call someone, but end up going to grab my manager and asking about an ice pack.

Long story short, this guy comes over and starts blabbing about how he's a multi-millionaire and can't deal with this headache. Then tells my manager, who's calling the another more senior manager to see what to do, explicitly not to call anyone else and especially not to call the police. At this point his blatant selfishness and narcissism is absolutely pissing me off, so I tell him the obvious fact that her safety is our top priority and that we are going to do whatever we need to do to make sure she gets the help she needs.

She ends up very faintly waking up about 10 minutes later but would not open her eyes and would only sometimes respond with a nod or shake of her head to my questions. The cops and medical squad arrive, take her out on a stretcher as she starts crying, gets the man's information, and leave with her. He sits down and starts making a bunch of phone calls, comes up and tries to talk to me and make sure everything is cool (it was not), and then leaves about 15 minutes later once his ride arrives.